Boy, I sure love college
This semester, I'm finally, finally, finishing up the last class in my
bachelor's. I started this degree in the Spring of 2016, after I'd finished
my associate's. So, I've been after this stupid thing since Fall 2014, and
I'm sick of it. Thanks to a scholarship, my tuition has "only" totalled
somewhere around fifteen, maybe twenty thousand dollars. Might be good to know
the exact figure at some point, but since I could technically still drop out,
it's best that I don't think about it too much.
To think I'm still luckier than so many people. I have seven or eight thousand
something in loans left to pay off, but that doesn't touch the tens of
thousands that people can have racked up against them. And that's if they can
manage to get into a useful school. And that's if they can even afford to spend
time on an education, instead of working to survive.
Even if higher education were free -- great idea though it is -- some people
still couldn't afford to go. It would help a lot of people, but it
doesn't change the system we're in.