88 lines
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88 lines
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const bbUrlPrefix = 'https://git.add123.com/rest/api/latest'
const pullRequestHasErrored = async pr => {
const latestCommitId = pr?.fromRef?.latestCommit
if (!latestCommitId) {
return false
const buildStats = await fetch(`https://git.add123.com/rest/build-status/latest/commits/stats/${latestCommitId}`).then(resp => resp.json())
return buildStats.failed !== 0
const getAllRepos = async () => {
const allProjects = (await fetch(`${bbUrlPrefix}/projects`).then(resp => resp.json())).values
const allProjectKeys = allProjects.map(project => project.key)
let allRepos = await Promise.all(allProjectKeys.map(async key =>
await fetch(`${bbUrlPrefix}/projects/${key}/repos?limit=999`)
.then(resp => resp.json()).then(({ values }) => values)))
allRepos = allRepos.flatMap(a => a)
return allRepos
const getErroredPrs = async () => {
const allPullRequests = (await getAllRepos()
.then(async allRepos => {
const prListUrls = allRepos.map(repo => `${bbUrlPrefix}/projects/ADD/repos/${repo.slug}/pull-requests`)
return (await Promise.all(
prListUrls.map(async prListUrl => await fetch(prListUrl).then(resp => resp.json())))
).flatMap(({values}) => values)
const erroredPullRequests = []
for (const pullRequest of allPullRequests) {
if (await pullRequestHasErrored(pullRequest)) {
return erroredPullRequests
const getElementAfterErrorList = mainPanel => {
for (const child of mainPanel.children) {
if (child.innerHTML.includes('Recently closed pull requests')) {
return child
return mainPanel.children[1]
const showErroredPrs = async () => {
if (getCurrentUser() !== 'sagevaillancourt') {
const mainPanel = document.getElementsByClassName('main-panel')[0]
let errorParent = document.getElementById('bb-addon-pr-error-table')
let errorList = document.getElementById('bb-addon-pr-error-list')
if (!errorParent) {
errorParent = mainPanel.getElementsByClassName('dashboard-pull-request-table')[0].cloneNode()
errorParent.id = 'bb-addon-pr-error-table'
const header = document.createElement('h3')
header.innerText = 'Pull requests with errors'
errorList = document.createElement('ul')
errorList.id = 'bb-addon-pr-error-list'
errorList.style.listStyle = 'none'
errorList.style.fontSize = '0.9em'
mainPanel.insertBefore(errorParent, getElementAfterErrorList(mainPanel))
const erroredPrs = await getErroredPrs()
Array.from(errorList.children).forEach(child => errorList.removeChild(child))
erroredPrs.forEach(pr => {
const element = document.createElement('li')
const link = document.createElement('a')
link.href = pr.links.self[0].href
link.innerText = pr.title
link.style.color = 'black'
if (location.toString().includes('/dashboard')) {
addFix(() => showErroredPrs().catch(console.error))
setInterval(() => showErroredPrs().catch(console.error), 1000 * 60 * 2)
} |