2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
const { App: SlackApp } = require('@slack/bolt')
const config = require('../config')
const temperatureChannelId = 'C034156CE03'
const hvackerBotUserId = 'U0344TFA7HQ'
const sageUserId = 'U028BMEBWBV'
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
const pollingMinutes = 5
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
const pollingPeriod = 1000 * 60 * pollingMinutes
const colderEmoji = 'snowflake'
const hotterEmoji = 'fire'
const goodEmoji = '+1'
let app
try {
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
app = new SlackApp({
token: config.slackBotToken,
signingSecret: config.slackSigningSecret,
appToken: config.slackAppToken,
socketMode: true
// app.client.conversations.list({types: 'private_channel'}).then(fetched => {
// temperatureChannelId = fetched.channels.filter(channel => channel.name === 'thermo-posting')[0].id
// console.log('techThermostatChannelId', temperatureChannelId)
// })
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
} catch (e) {
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
console.log('Failed to initialize SlackApp', e)
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
const pollTriggers = ['!temp', '!temperature', '!imhot', '!imcold']
const halfTriggers = ['change temperature', "i'm cold", "i'm hot", 'quack', 'hvacker', '<@U0344TFA7HQ>']
const sendHelp = async (say, prefix) => {
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
if (prefix) {
prefix = prefix + '\n'
} else {
prefix = ''
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
await say({
text: prefix +
`Sending a message matching any of \`${pollTriggers.join('`, `')}\` will start a temperature poll.\n` +
'At this time I am not capable of actually changing the temperature. Go bug Quade.'
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
const getMessage = async ({ channel, ts }) => app.client.conversations.history({
channel: channel,
latest: ts,
inclusive: true,
limit: 1
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
app.event('reaction_added', async ({ event, context, client, say }) => {
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
for (const listener of reactionListeners) {
listener({ event, say })
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
const ourUsers = {
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
U028BMEBWBV: 'Sage',
U02U15RFK4Y: 'Adam',
U02AAB54V34: 'Houston',
U02KYLVK1GV: 'Quade',
U017PG4EL1Y: 'Max',
UTDLFGZA5: 'Tyler',
U017CB5L1K3: 'Andres'
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
const activePolls = {}
const testId = 'U028BMEBWBV_TEST'
let testMode = false
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
app.event('message', async ({ event, context, client, say }) => {
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
if (event.user === sageUserId) {
if (event?.text.startsWith('!')) {
if (testMode) {
await messageSage('Currently in test mode!')
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
if (event?.text === '!test') {
testMode = !testMode
await messageSage(`TestMode: ${testMode} with ID ${testId}`)
} else if (event?.text === '!notest') {
testMode = false
await messageSage(`TestMode: ${testMode}`)
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
if (testMode) {
event.user = testId
// console.log(event.blocks[0].elements[0])
for (const listener of messageListeners) {
listener({ event, say })
console.log('MSG', ourUsers[event.user], "'" + event.text + "'", new Date().toLocaleTimeString())
if (event.user === 'U028BMEBWBV' && event.channel === 'D0347Q4H9FE') {
if (event.text === '!!kill') {
if (event.text?.startsWith('!say ') || event.text?.startsWith('!say\n')) {
await postToTechThermostatChannel(event.text.substring(4).trim())
if (event.text?.startsWith('!saytoq ')) {
await messageQuade(event.text.substring(7).trim())
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
if (event.text?.startsWith('!saytos')) {
await messageSage(event.text.substring(7).trim())
const eventText = event.text?.toLowerCase() || ''
if (eventText.startsWith('!help')) {
await sendHelp(say)
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
if (!pollTriggers.includes(eventText)) {
if (halfTriggers.includes(eventText)) {
await sendHelp(say, 'It looks like you might want to change the temperature.')
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
if (activePolls[event.channel]) {
await postToTechThermostatChannel({ text: "There's already an active poll in this channel!" })
activePolls[event.channel] = true
const pollTs = await startPoll()
setTimeout(async () => {
const reactions = await app.client.reactions.get({
channel: temperatureChannelId,
timestamp: pollTs,
full: true
const reactCounts = {}
reactions.message.reactions.forEach(reaction => { reactCounts[reaction.name] = reaction.count })
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
const contentVotes = reactCounts[goodEmoji]
const hotterVotes = reactCounts[hotterEmoji]
const colderVotes = reactCounts[colderEmoji]
let text = 'The people have spoken, and would like to '
if (hotterVotes > colderVotes && hotterVotes > contentVotes) {
text += 'raise the temperature, quack.'
} else if (colderVotes > hotterVotes && colderVotes > contentVotes) {
text += 'lower the temperature, quack quack.'
} else {
text += 'keep the temperature as-is, quaaack.'
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
await postToTechThermostatChannel({ text })
delete activePolls[event.channel]
}, pollingPeriod)
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
;(async () => {
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
await app.start().catch(console.error)
console.log('Slack Bolt has started')
// setTimeout(async () => {
// await messageSage('<https://i.imgur.com/VCvfvdz.png|...>')
// }, 2000)
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
const postToTechThermostatChannel = async optionsOrText => {
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
if (optionsOrText === null || typeof optionsOrText !== 'object') {
optionsOrText = {
text: optionsOrText
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
return app.client.chat.postMessage({ ...optionsOrText, channel: temperatureChannelId })
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
const messageSage = async optionsOrText => messageIn(sageUserId, optionsOrText)
const messageQuade = async optionsOrText => messageIn('U02KYLVK1GV', optionsOrText)
const messageIn = async (channel, optionsOrText) => {
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
if (optionsOrText === null || typeof optionsOrText !== 'object') {
optionsOrText = {
text: optionsOrText
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
return app.client.chat.postMessage({ ...optionsOrText, channel })
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
const startPoll = async () => {
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
const sent = await postToTechThermostatChannel({
text: `<!here|here> Temperature poll requested! In ${pollingMinutes} minutes the temperature will be adjusted.\n` +
`Pick :${colderEmoji}: if you want it colder, :${hotterEmoji}: if you want it hotter, or :${goodEmoji}: if you like it how it is.` +
`\n(Note that I can't actually change the temperature yet. Make Quade do it!)`
const addReaction = async emojiName =>
channel: temperatureChannelId,
timestamp: sent.ts,
name: emojiName
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
await addReaction(colderEmoji)
await addReaction(hotterEmoji)
await addReaction(goodEmoji)
return sent.ts
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
const tempChangeListeners = []
const messageListeners = []
const reactionListeners = []
const requestTempChange = change => {
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
tempChangeListeners.forEach(listener => listener(change))
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
const encodeData = (key, data) =>
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
`<http://${key}ZZZ${Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(data), 'utf-8').toString('base64')}| >`
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
const decodeData = (key, message) => {
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
const regex = new RegExp(`http://${key}ZZZ[^|]*`)
let match = message.match(regex)
if (!match) {
return match
match = match[0].substring(10 + key.length) // 10 === 'http://'.length + 'ZZZ'.length
return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(match, 'base64').toString('utf-8'))
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
const onReaction = listener => reactionListeners.push(listener)
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
onReaction(async ({ event }) => {
if (event.user === sageUserId && event.reaction === 'x') {
try {
await app.client.chat.delete({channel: event.item.channel, ts: event.item.ts})
} catch (e) {
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
2022-03-03 11:23:22 -05:00
module.exports = {
Many improvements and additions.
Several new achievements.
Separate files for buy route, webapi, and shared utils.
Add Creator buyable item.
Access control now object-based.
Toying with Trivia and a lottery system.
!cleanusers, !setpw, !rach, !myupgrades, !squad, !gimme, !prestige,
!quack, !whois, !ngift, !message, !!kill,
Add simple test user system.
Add several oneShot commands.
2022-03-14 08:37:38 -04:00
onAction: app.action,
updateMessage: app.client.chat.update,
onTempChangeRequested: listener => tempChangeListeners.push(listener),
onMessage: listener => messageListeners.push(listener),