
98 lines
2.7 KiB

extends Node2D
signal upgrade_turret
var can_shoot = true
var damage = 15
var reload_time = 1.5
var current_bad_id
var current_bad = null
var current_bad_shape
var tier = 1
const RANGE_TIER = {1:Vector2(30,30), 2:Vector2(40,40), 3:Vector2(50,50), 4:Vector2(60,60)}
const DAMAGE_TIER = {1:15, 2:25, 3:50, 4:100}
const RELOAD_TIER = {1:1.5, 2:1, 3:0.75, 4:0.5}
const ANIMATION_TIER = {1:"plain", 2:"spike", 3:"spike", 4:"spike"}
const ANIMATION_SCALE_TIER = {1:Vector2(.12,.12), 2:Vector2(.2,.2), 3:Vector2(.2,.2), 4:Vector2(.2,.2)}
var enemy_count = 0
func _ready():
$ReloadTimer.wait_time = RELOAD_TIER[tier]
damage = DAMAGE_TIER[tier]
$Range.scale = RANGE_TIER[tier]
$TurretSprite.animation = ANIMATION_TIER[tier]
$TurretSprite.scale = ANIMATION_SCALE_TIER[tier]
$Damage.text = str(damage)
var zeroPoint = Vector2(-60, -1015)
func _process(delta):
if current_bad:
var wr = weakref(current_bad)
if wr.get_ref():
if current_bad != null:
var local_pos = Vector2()
local_pos = to_local(current_bad.position)
$Beam.set_point_position(1, local_pos)
$TurretSprite.rotation = ($Beam.get_point_position(0).angle_to($Beam.get_point_position(1))) + PI/5.3
if ("Bad" in current_bad.get_name()) && can_shoot:
$Beam.default_color.a = 200
$TurretSprite.frame = 1
if > damage:
current_bad = null
can_shoot = false
func entityEnteredRange(bad_id, bad, bad_shape, self_shape):
if ("Bad" in bad.get_name() || "Black" in bad.get_name() || "Boss" in bad.get_name()) || "Prison" in bad.get_name():# && current_bad == null:
current_bad = bad
current_bad_id = bad_id
current_bad_shape = bad_shape
enemy_count += 1
func _on_FlashTimer_timeout():
$Beam.default_color.a = 0
$TurretSprite.frame = 0
pass # replace with function body
func _on_ReloadTimer_timeout():
can_shoot = true
pass # replace with function body
func entityExitedRange(bad_id, bad, bad_shape, self_shape):
if weakref(bad):
if ("Bad" in bad.get_name()):
enemy_count -= 1
if bad_id == current_bad_id:
current_bad = null
current_bad_id = null
current_bad_shape = null
func _on_OpenMenuButton_pressed():
var menu = preload("res://TurretMenu.tscn").instance()
menu.connect("turret_upgrade", self, "upgradeTurret")
func upgradeTurret():
tier += 1
$ReloadTimer.wait_time = RELOAD_TIER[tier]
damage = DAMAGE_TIER[tier]
$Range.scale = RANGE_TIER[tier]
$TurretSprite.animation = ANIMATION_TIER[tier]
$TurretSprite.scale = ANIMATION_SCALE_TIER[tier]
func relayUpgrade():
emit_signal("upgrade_turret", position)