extends Area2D signal refund signal shooting_speed_upgrade export (PackedScene) var Laser #Default ship strengths and costs const SHOOTING_SPEED_UPGRADE_DEFAULT = 1500 #To be replaced const BULLET_DELAY_TIER1 = 0.8 const BULLET_DELAY_TIER2 = 0.5 const BULLET_DELAY_TIER3 = 0.2 const BULLET_DELAY_TIER4 = 0.1 const BULLET_DELAY_TIER5 = 0.05 const BULLET_DELAY_TIER2_COST = 100 const BULLET_DELAY_TIER3_COST = 200 const BULLET_DELAY_TIER4_COST = 400 const BULLET_DELAY_TIER5_COST = 1000 const SHIP_SPEED_TIER1 = 150 const SHIP_SPEED_TIER2 = 200 const SHIP_SPEED_TIER3 = 300 const SHIP_SPEED_TIER4 = 500 const SHIP_SPEED_TIER5 = 800 var screensize var ship_speed = SHIP_SPEED_TIER1 var bullet_delay = BULLET_DELAY_TIER1 var bullet_delay_tier = 1 var laser_penetration = 0 var double_laser = false var ship_value = 0 var refund_percentage = 1 var money = 100 var shooting_speed_upgrade = SHOOTING_SPEED_UPGRADE_DEFAULT func upgradeBulletDelay(): if (can_shoot == true): if (bullet_delay == 0.8 && money >= BULLET_DELAY_TIER2_COST): bullet_delay = BULLET_DELAY_TIER2 money -= BULLET_DELAY_TIER2_COST ship_value += BULLET_DELAY_TIER2_COST elif (bullet_delay == 0.5 && money >= BULLET_DELAY_TIER3_COST): bullet_delay = BULLET_DELAY_TIER3 money -= BULLET_DELAY_TIER3_COST ship_value += BULLET_DELAY_TIER3_COST elif (bullet_delay == 0.2 && money >= BULLET_DELAY_TIER4_COST): bullet_delay = BULLET_DELAY_TIER4 money -= BULLET_DELAY_TIER4_COST ship_value += BULLET_DELAY_TIER4_COST elif (bullet_delay == 0.1 && money >= BULLET_DELAY_TIER5_COST): bullet_delay = BULLET_DELAY_TIER5 money -= BULLET_DELAY_TIER5_COST ship_value += BULLET_DELAY_TIER5_COST elif (bullet_delay <= 0.01): emit_signal("bullet_delay_fully_upgraded") elif (bullet_delay <= 0.05 && money >= shooting_speed_upgrade): bullet_delay = bullet_delay*0.95 money -= shooting_speed_upgrade ship_value += shooting_speed_upgrade shooting_speed_upgrade *= 1.1 timer.set_wait_time(bullet_delay) prints(bullet_delay) timer.start() can_shoot = false func _ready(): timer = Timer.new() timer.set_one_shot(true) timer.set_wait_time(bullet_delay) timer.connect("timeout", self, "on_timeout_complete") add_child(timer) position.x = 100 position.y = 250 screensize = get_viewport_rect().size $AnimatedSprite.play() func refund(): bullet_delay = BULLET_DELAY_TIER1 ship_speed = SHIP_SPEED_TIER1 shooting_speed_upgrade = SHOOTING_SPEED_UPGRADE_DEFAULT money += ship_value*refund_percentage emit_signal("refund", ship_value*refund_percentage) ship_value = 0 var timer = null var can_shoot = true var going_up = false var going_down = false var shoot_down = false func on_timeout_complete(): can_shoot = true func _process(delta): var velocity = Vector2() # the player's movement vector if (Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right")): velocity.x += 1 if (Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left")): velocity.x -= 1 if (Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down") || going_down == true): velocity.y += 1 if (Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up") || going_up == true): velocity.y -= 1 if (velocity.length() > 0): velocity = velocity.normalized() * ship_speed position += velocity * delta position.x = clamp(position.x, 0, screensize.x) position.y = clamp(position.y, 0, screensize.y) if ((Input.is_action_pressed("ui_accept") || shoot_down == true) && can_shoot == true): shoot() if (Input.is_action_pressed("ui_select") && can_shoot == true): upgradeBulletDelay() func _on_Player_body_entered(body): prints("hit") func upPressed(): going_up = true func upDepressed(): going_up = false func downPressed(): going_down = true func downDepressed(): going_down = false func shootDown(): shoot_down = true func shootUp(): shoot_down = false func shoot(): var laser = Laser.instance() get_node("../").add_child(laser) laser.current_pen = laser_penetration laser.position.y = position.y - 27 laser.position.x = position.x + 46 #MAYBE THE LASERS SHOULD BE THEIR OWN NODES #Would allow for more simple additions in the future if double_laser == true: var laser2 = Laser.instance() get_node("../").add_child(laser2) laser2.position.y = position.y + 28 laser2.position.x = position.x + 46 laser2.current_pen = laser_penetration can_shoot = false timer.start()